A bit more weedy than rosy, but lush and green none the less.
Peter has been busy with t he veg patch, mostly filling up mole holes when we water. The moles are a problem, our lawn is full of mole hills at the moment, I've tried sticks in the holes, filling the hole with water, putting lemon down the hole (local old wives remedy) but still they pop up. We need a killer cat!
The local cove cabbage grows in every garden, Jersey folk will call it a Long Jack. It's used in soups throughout the Winter and just keeps growing.
All his hard work is paying off as we've had courgettes-a-plenty, lots of radish, lettuce and spinach. The tomatoes are on there way, along with the corn, beans, onions, beetroot and peppers.
We've still got lots to do, the lower garden is a haven for weeds (some may call it a wild garden). We've cleared some space, but the weeds just keep on coming.
So, today Peter has been out there strimming the weeds away with our neighbours strimmer. We'll sill have to weed as we've read that 'one year seeding is 7 years of weeding' and all the grasses have already gone to seed.
What we are going to do with all the weeds is a slight concern, our compost heap is already out of all control, although it has given us a sunflower in apology!
Peter has been busy with t he veg patch, mostly filling up mole holes when we water. The moles are a problem, our lawn is full of mole hills at the moment, I've tried sticks in the holes, filling the hole with water, putting lemon down the hole (local old wives remedy) but still they pop up. We need a killer cat!
The local cove cabbage grows in every garden, Jersey folk will call it a Long Jack. It's used in soups throughout the Winter and just keeps growing.
All his hard work is paying off as we've had courgettes-a-plenty, lots of radish, lettuce and spinach. The tomatoes are on there way, along with the corn, beans, onions, beetroot and peppers.
We've still got lots to do, the lower garden is a haven for weeds (some may call it a wild garden). We've cleared some space, but the weeds just keep on coming.
So, today Peter has been out there strimming the weeds away with our neighbours strimmer. We'll sill have to weed as we've read that 'one year seeding is 7 years of weeding' and all the grasses have already gone to seed.
What we are going to do with all the weeds is a slight concern, our compost heap is already out of all control, although it has given us a sunflower in apology!
Came by your blog via Sam George's FB photos of a surf trip. I appreciate your self-sufficiency efforts, experimenting in much smaller ways up here in Estonia. Our neighbors have had lots of mole problems, and what works for them is to stick a meter or 2-meter long stick into the hole, and a beer or soda can upside down onto the end of the stick. Not sure but am guessing it's the slight noise that deters the mole. At one point they had probably ten or fifteen cans out there in the spring. None right now, and no moles. ~Denise