We are learning that when you grow your own veg you need to plan carefully. If you don't plan, then you end up with a glut of the same veg all coming along at the same time. Take the simple courgette for example, everyone grows them so you cannot give them away (but we took some of our friends Jackie and Richards courgettes, so maybe that is not strictly true that you cannot give them away). The courgette needs to be eaten, it won't keep too long and we are starting to get monster ones! Our neighbour made a suggestion the other day, which was that at the start of the year we all get together and decide who is going to grow what veggies, then we share them out throughout the year. That way we have a 12 month growing cycle, never too much of one thing and everyone gets to have a bit of everything. Now, it is a good idea...I see the logic, in fact I applaud it. But isn't this how communism started...? These are some of the veggies grown by our fair hands (well Peter...